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Preventing COVID-19 Infection

This protocol which we have termed the "Milwaukee Treatment" is a simple way to help prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection.  The best part is that you're in control of how you handle your health.  You decide when you need it and the intensity of your efforts.  If you are home with your quarantine partners you can maybe skip a day or two.  If you're out at the store, wearing your mask, but others are not, maybe it's a good idea to give your nasal passages a cleaning that evening. Up to you.  If you're at a concert with all sorts of gyrating, shouting and singing along, definitely give your nasal passages a strong double douche when you get home.  


Our COVID-19 prevention protocol - the "Milwaukee Treatment" - is meant as an aggressive line of defense against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Until studies are undertaken which confirm its efficacy, we recommend continuing to observe CDC guidelines regarding preventative measures such as social distancing, face mask usage, hand washing, etc.  Until the science is confirmed regarding the efficacy of nasal irrigation related to COVID-19, this Treatment should not be considered a panacea but a part of your overall strategy for disease prevention.  

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